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San Juan de Cchuccho is a small hamlet located in the first part of the canyon, it is a place covered with fruit trees where, if it is the season, we can taste the avocados, emblematic product of the area.

The village of Tapay is the capital of the district of the same name, located 700 meters higher than San Juan, in a privileged area protected by the mountains, you can also find ruins if you walk a little more.

Circuit: Cabanaconde -
       San Juan - Tapay - Sangalle


1st day

  • Early in the morning, departure towards the Colca Valley. 3 hour drive. Breakfast at a local restaurant.

  • Afterwards, departure towards the canyon, the Mirador Cruz del Condor, first part of the canyon, to observe, if the weather conditions allow it, the flight of the condors.

  • Beginning of the hiking towards the hamlet of Llahuar where we will have lunch (4 hours of descent and 1 hour more to the hamlet). 1,200 vertical meters.

  • Lunch in San Juan.

  • Installation in a rustic bungalow and afternoon devoted to rest and discovering the area.

  • Dinner and overnight in San Juan.

2nd day

  • Departure to the village of Tapay (1 hour and a half on average) going up 700 meters of vertical drop.

  • After departure to the oasis of Sangalle (4 hours on average) crossing the villages of Cosñirhua and Malata.

  • Arrival in Sangalle around 2 p.m. for lunch. Installation in a rustic bungalow and afternoon devoted to rest and enjoy the swimming pool.

3rd day

  • Departure very early in the morning for an ascent of 1200 meters of a vertical drop over a distance of about 4 km to the summit and 1 km more to the village of Cabanaconde.

  • Breakfast in Cabanaconde then return to the village of Chivay.

  • Visit to the hot springs in the valley.

  • Lunch in Chivay.

  • Back to Arequipa, it only takes 3 hours.

  • Shared tourist transport back and forth.

  • Accommodation in a bungalow for 2 nights in the canyon.

  • Meals and breakfasts.

  • The tourist ticket to visit the area.

  • Entrance to the hot springs.

  • Professional English speaking guide.


  • Drinks and snacks.

  • Personal expenses.

  • Cancellation and repatriation insurance.

  • Bank charges.

  • Any expense not mentioned in “The price includes”

mapa trek 4 dias

Click on the map or the icons to see the area better (google earth)

Cabanaconde (yellow),

San Juan (pink), Tapay (gray) and Sangalle (violet).

Height difference: 1100 meters on average
Difficulty: Moderate to difficult. It is necessary to have some trekking experience.
What to bring?
  • Light clothing for walking (depending on the season),
  • Sun cream,
  • Mosquito repellent,
  • Hat or cap,
  • Bathing suit and towel,
  • Personal medical kit,
  • Personal expenses,
  • Personal toiletries,
  • Flash light,
  • Snacks and / or fruit,
  • Water (sufficient for the first part of the journey),
  • Walking poles (if you are used to it).
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